Eduard Shuljevskii (Romeo)
He was born ton a family of artists in Krasnodar. At a very early age, he started singing
and dancing. He is a candidate for masters of sport in Sport Ballroom dances and owner of Gran-prix of a lot of Russian contests
between singers. He was also accepted for theatre institute "GITIS". He didn't finish his time at the university, but he has
already had a major role of Captain Feb in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" in Moscow. He was also in a few movies. But his
passion of musicals brought him back to the stage of the Operetta Theatre - so here he is again!

*Andrei Alexandrin (Romeo)
Andrei was born and raised on Ural, in the town of Sniezhinskye. He has been taken singing
and dancing lessons since the age of eight. He went to the Institute of Culture and Arts in Tchelabinsk. After coming
in second in an international vocalists' competition, Andrei was invited to study at a pop and jazz music college in
Moscow where he learnt about the auditions for Romeo and Juliette. He's convinced that he got the part of Romeo only because
of his eccentric boots!

*Sofia Nigjaradze (Juliette)
Born in "sunny Tbilisi" (Georgia),
she graduated with honors from a musical academy, and afterwards went to the Academy Gnesinnih. By 17, she was a winner in
several international competitions including the "Brava, Bravissima!" competition in Mini La Scala (Italy). Since 2001, she's
been a soloist in the Georgian National Philharmonic. In 2003, she was the lead in a circus revue, "Svadba Soek", and deciding
to devote herself to theatre, she entered "Gitis" (State institute of Theatre and Art). Thanks to Roméo & Juliette, her dream of being on stage has finally come true!

*Evgeniya Ryabzeva (Juliette)
Sixteen-year-old Evgeniya declared her intention to become an actress to her
parents when she was three. At six, she entered the Alexander Music School, where she sang in the chorus, played the triangle
and worked in the children's "Rondo". At seve, she began taking classes in jazz vocals and went to the Gnesinnih Music School,
in the musical theatre department. She finished school with two master classes in classical ballet and hip-hop. Deciding that
this was enough to become an actress, and without saying a word to her parent,s whe went through the casting for "Romeo and
Juliette". She in now finishing secondary school

*Sergey Li (Benvolio)
His father was a Korean and his mother
- a Georgian one. Since the childhood he dreamed to become the actor, but, having arrived in Moscow from Northern Ossetia...
he has acted on journalism faculty. After two years learnting he has changed his mind and has decided to become the
psychologist. But, having received a honours degree, he has suddenly recollected the children's dream. Fortunately, at this
time Moscow was overflowed with a wave of musicals. "Romeo and Juliette" - already the fourth statement in Sergey's track
record after "Underground" (Metro), "Nord-Ost" and "Notre Dame de Paris".

Aleksandr Postolenko (Benvolio)
He was born in
Altai territory, on the native land of the Shukshin and, having after he finished general educational and musical schools,
he has acted in musical school, and then - in the Novosibirsk conservatory, simultaneously he was working in theatre of an
opera and ballet by the actor of chorus. It it seemed a little and then he transferred in the St.-Petersburg institute
of culture. News about casting of "Notre Dame de Paris" suddenly has changed Alexander's plans. Long-term works have not gone
to waste ? he was accepted in troupe of a musical, and now it again steps onstage in "Romeo and Juliette"!

*Stanislav Belyayev (Mercutio)
He was born in the Tula province, in
family of the daddy-head and the mum-musician. His strongly pronounced abilities to singing and actor were opened on city
platforms, and admiration of business successes of his father was expressed in desire to become the solid person. So, having
finished a physical and mathematical grammar school, and fairly having suffered from the first love, he has gone to search
happiness in Moscow. The foresight did not need to see him as a linguist, or an expert under the international attitudes.
It has presented him a fatal meeting with a musical "Underground" (Metro) where began the most fascinating period of his life
continuing to this day. There was a work in "Eastwick?s witches", and in a musical-revue "Svadba soek? (Wedding of jays ),
and, at last, he is again on a stage, among friends, in "Romeo and Juliette".

Alexsey Losikhin (Mercutio)
He was born and has grown in the city of Lipetsk.
In 6 years he appeared on a stage for the first time in children's morning performance in part the Wolf. After that the teacher
at school has advised him to go to a theatrical circle where career of the young actor began: rehearsals, performances, an
applause. Having acted after school in GITIS, and having finished study, he has been invited to work in ?theatre of the Moon?
where has lead all these years, expecting statement of "Romeo and Juliette" to play a part of the Romeo?s best friend.

*Pavel Maximov (Tybalt)
Having been born in the city of Zhukovsky,
in family of the artist and the engineer-aircraft designer, the boy does not show the big creative talents. However mum during
many years, tries these talents, to impart to him. A violin, an accordion, singing in folk ensemble - all this were hammered
by love to sports, and the son acts on physical faculty of ?pedagogical university of Krupskaya?. But you can not leave from
the destiny. His classmate were dancing in a musical "Underground" (Metro), and she acquaints him with young actors
of a musical who subsequently have ?dragged? Pavel on casting of "Eastwick?s witches". And it has gone! The following stage
it was a musical-revue ?Svadba soek? (Wedding of jays ) and, at last, in a circle of friends at present Pavel works in a musical
"Romeo and Juliette"!

Contantine Kabanov (Tyablt)
In an elementary school the teacher removed a young
muscovite from lessons and drove on lessons of singing of other classes to show pupils as it is necessary to sing. It was
bothering to run from a class in a class bothered, and Konstantin has acted in the Moscow choral school of A.V.Sveshnikov.
During study he has bothered to sing in chorus, and to sing colo he has acted in GITIS on faculty of musical theatre, simultaneously
playing theatre of a name of N.I.Sats and being the soloist in group "Not dull garden". Serving in army, in ensemble songs
and dancings of A.V.Aleksandrov, again he was singing in chorus!!! To sing in chorus it was bothering so much!!! ? And here
there has come time of musicals. Yes!

*Anastasia Sapozhnikova (Lady
She was born in Chimkent,
She had finished general school and ballet school in Odessa (Ukraine). Right after schools has acted in GITIS, (P.O. Khomsky
class) where during training played a musical "Jesus Christ - Superstar". After institute she has been invited in the theatre
" School of the modern play ". She participates in casting to a musical "Underground" (Metro), and she was permanent participant
of this musical. And now she stars in " Eastwick?s witches", and shows a huge actor's range from performances of the theatre
"The Quartet I? ("Day of radio", "Day of elections", "La? Company") to A.Gordon's films. As for Nastya (Anastasia) "Romeo
and the Juliette" is returning in theatre where she began in "Underground"(Metro).

Olga Vorozhtsova (Lady Capulet)
She was born in the ancient Russian city of Kostroma.
In her childhood she dreamed to be a star on a circus ring in quality of the tamer of predators (tigers), but when she was
12 years she has firmly solved, that she would become a theatrical actress, and she has acted the Yaroslavl theatrical institute.
Having finished it (beeng the honours pupil), she played drama theatre. Once, having seen on the TV parts from a musical "Underground"
(Metro), she has understood, that she would like to work in this genre. And already in 2001, having arrived on casting "Eastwick?s
witches", she has been authorized on one of the leading roles. The role of lady Kapulet in a musical "Romeo and Juliette "
was her dream and became the present gift of destiny.

*Lika Rulla (Lady Montague)
The proud daughter of the Kazakh steppes she always
differed by passion to freedom and independence. Parents-actors have imparted to their daughter love to a stage and theatre.
Having finished the Ekaterinburg theatrical institute, she has gone to the city of Smolensk to serve theatre, but she continued
to search for herself in other genres - a restaurant stage, the DJ of radio station, a circle of motor-hand gliding and, once,
having thrown everything, she has gone to Moscow to try happiness. The happiness has smiled to her and presented one of leaging
roles in a musical "Chicago". The following step became "capture" of the majority of female roles in "12 chairs". She is sure,
what exactly the image of lady Montekki helps her to reveal from the new party.

Karina Ovsepyan (Lady Montague)
Her parents, in time having understood,
that their child is talented, have given the girl to be engaged in a vocal. Teachers also insisted on study to classical singing,
prophesying to her glory of the opera singer. But Karina contrary to all has acted in Jazz college upon finishing of which,
She casually appeared in Moscow. Completely casually having learned about a musical "Underground" (Metro), she has made everything
to become it?s participant. Having sow TV-version of "Romeo and Juliette", she represented itself Romeo's mother in dreams.
Dreams come true!!!

*Aleksandar Marakulin (Lord
He was born in Samara. He has acted on director's branch of institute of Arts, then he transferred to
Moscow, to faculty of musical theatre of GITIS. He has won a nomination "the Best debut" in a role column Almaviva (Figaro)
in performance of ?Musical theatre of. K.S.Stanislavsky and V.I.Nemirovich-Danshenko? also he was staring almost in all plays
of a theatre-cabaret "Bat". For brilliant starring in a role of priest Frollo in a musical "Notre Dame de Paris" he has been
nominated for the premium "the Gold mask". In a new musical the favourite of spectators plays a role of father young Juliette.

Igor Balalayev (Lord Capulet)
He was born in Omsk. Having finished in 1995 the Ekaterinburg
state theatrical institute, he has returned to native city where he worked at Musical theatre, and then - in Omsk the academic
Theatre of a drama. He is a winner of various competitions, the student on the theatrical premium "the Gold mask". He
worked at theatre "U Nikitskih vorot" (At the Nikitskie gates), and he came to a musical "Notre Dame de Paris", where opend
a musical to himself. He has played a role of Kisa Vorobjaninov in "12 chairs " excellent and now he has come in "Romeo and
the Juliette" to part a role with Alexander Marakulin as well as in "Notre Dame de Paris".

*Natalie Sidortsova (The Nurse)
She considers, that music grew in it faster, than she grows herself. She began to sing even in infancy, she has
acted in musical school earlier, than in usual school. Despite of hobbies of drawing, foreign languages and the literature,
she was not left with desire to sing, therefore simultaneously studying in Musical Jazz school of Gnesins and faculty of journalism
of the Moscow State University, she won international festivals " Wind roses", "Vilnius - 2002", ?Sheree krug? (the circle
is wider), acted with own program in France and Latvia ? the part of the nurse in "Romeo and Juliette" is an embodiment of
her dream, in spite of the fact that Natasha is only 19 years old!

Natalie Trikhleb (The Nurse)
She is the deserved actress of Russia. She was born in Kirghizia. Despite of participation in ensemble
of songs and dancings, after leaving school she has decided to devote herself to theatre. Having finished GITIS, she has gone
to work in children's musical theatre of a name of N.I.Sats. Having taken pleasure in the world of fairy tales, she has decided
to prove in more adult genre - a cabaret, having played directed by Grigory Gurvich in a theatre-cabaret "Bat" where has worked
before it?s closing, and she has received the invitation to work in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" as a teacher of a vocal.
Having brought up the whole generation of young actors and having yearned during this time of a stage, unexpected for all
she has decided to take part in casting of a musical "Romeo and Juliette" for a part of the nurse, and now she steps onstage
together with her pupils.

*Anton Artsev (Brother Lorenzo)
The most part of a conscious life he has spend in the city of Novocherkassk of the Rostov area, going to school, and
then at university in which he has ?hammered together? group, singing songs of own composition. Because of infinite rehearsals
and concerts the institute has soon lost the student, and the country - the young expert on information-measuring technics,
but has got the defender of fatherland (It means he has been deducted from institute and has gone to army :-). Being casually
deserted to Saint Petersburg, unexpectedly for himself he has acted in Theatrical institute. In parallel studding he worked
at theatre Komissarzhevskoj, TUZ, and acted on concert platforms as the solo singer. Already working in Moscow at theatre
"Benefit performance", for the company he has come on casting to "Nord-Ost" where he has at first sight fallen in love with
this genre. And he was struggled for participation in ?Romeo and Juliette? not so casual, but meaningly.

Victor Yesin (Brother Lorenzo)
He was born in Krasnoyarsk and since the childhood he dreamed to become the actor. But the life forced to choose other
trades while after two years which he have spend in Krasnoyarsk institute of art, he has gone to ?submit? Moscow. How could
the simple Siberian boy dreamed that appearing in Moscow and being the student of 3-rd rate of special school of Gnesins,
he would be invited to Konstantin Raikin?s troupe of theatre "Satyricon" to leaging roles. After the most severe selection,
he appeared in the grandiose project "Notre Dame de Paris" where has got the vocal skill so necessary for a role of Brother

*Vladimir Dibskii (The Prince)
All of his life, Vladimir has wanted
to be a musician, but for a long time he wasn't sure what exactly he wanted to do - play the drums or sing. After he finished
music college he worked in different rock groups, was a musical leader and a teacher of vocal in music theatre for Kids "Kolombina".
He also studied at the music college of Gnesinnih and also took part in a lot of music contests. He found out that
musicals was what he wanted to pursue his career in. He has performed in "Notre Dame de Paris", "West Side
story", "Discomagiya" and "Svadba soek" prior to "Romeo & Juliette"

Andrei Belyavskii (Prince)
Was born in Voronej, where he finished
Theatre department of Academy of Arts of Voronej. He worked in the Academic theatre of Drama in Samara, his debut in musicals
was as role of Tony in "West Side Story". He then learned about casting for "Notre Dame de Paris", and went
to Moscow and got the role of Quasimodo! As soon as he left the role of Quasimodo he got a new role - Prince
of Verona!

*Mohamed Fattakh Abdel (Paris)
Despite of an exotic name he was born in Moscow. Since
five years he started to be engaged in music, he has finished choral and theatrical branch of school of arts, GITIS on branch
"Musical theatre" and during study played leaging parts in all statements of a rate. Having finished institute, he has gone
to work in a variety theatre. He has been borrowed in performances "Farewell, Marlen, Hello", "Vanya and the crocodile". In
parallel he played musical-drama theatre in performance "the Venetian night", at theatre "On small Bronnaya": in musical "Ognivo"
(the steel), he worked in musical "Drakula" and musical-revue "Svadba soek? (Wedding of jays). He sounded (translating) documentary
films and was acted in films. And now he staring in troupe "Romeo and Juliette"!

Sergey Lashmanov (Paris)
His first concert has taken place in
a kindergarden and has made on the young actor such impression, that he has persuaded the grandmother to bring him to act
in the Nizhniy Novgorod choral chapel of boys. Time went, behind shoulders there was a musical school, grand musical school,
GITIS and a victory over the All-Russia competition "Romansiada 2001". Enjoying laurels of the winner suddenly he has learned,
that statement of a musical "Romeo and Juliette" prepares, after casting he has been accepted for part of Paris. Let the part
is not big, but participation in the big business - is more important. And then, in fact it only the beginning for him.

*Pavel Belkov (Death)
He was born in the fine city of Shchelkovo. He adores his native brother-twin Ivan who is more senior
than he for 5 minutes. In the early childhood their mother has given sons to dancing group of ?the Big children's chorus
at Gosteleradio?. Rehearsals, concerts, trips ? In 18 years, as well as it is necessary, boys have gone to army. After army
they danced in ?the Ensemble songs and dancings VDV (Air-landing armies)?, then in the musicals "Underground" (Metro) and
"Notre Dame de Paris". Now the destiny has thrown them "Romeo And Juliette", and as for Pavel - a solo part!

Aleksandar Babenko (Death)
He was born, studied and worked in Odessa (Ukraine).
He worked at theatre of an opera and ballet, at theatre of a musical comedy of a name of the national actor of the USSR M.Vodjanoi,
on a platform and TV. Then the destiny has resulted Alexander to Moscow, in a musical "Underground" (Metro) and "Notre Dame
de Paris?, in the Moscow state academic theatre of light opera where he works fo this day.